This was magical!

I remember when I was a child and how I saw so much wonder I the world. Just “normal” every day sort of things are magical to kids…but then we grow up, get busy, and we forget what it’s like to see the wonder in the world!

The amazing things we used to be shocked at become boring, normal, or just completely ignored because they are things we see every day. I want to help people reboot their eyes to see the wonder of the everyday things! Something I’ve grown to love so much about what I do, is getting to get people to see things differently…showing them the beauty of light reflecting on the water, or of light filtering through golden leaves, being able to show the beauty of life in every season!

All of creation shouts the praises of God! Each individual created thing shows a different aspect of God’s creative hand that it is always singing praises of. Just open your eyes, step outside and watch the everyday miracles that surround you!

Thanks again for tagging along!

~Emilia Joy